"New constitutional changes will be updated soon"

The name of the Association will be the "Indian Association of Gynaecological Endoscopists".

(August 30, 2014)
The Headquarters of the Association will be in Mumbai.
  • Aims and Objects
  • Rules & Regulations
  • Approval of Members
  • Resignation
  • Removal
  • Fees
  • General Body
  • Funds
  • Changes in constitution

The Aims and Objects of the Association are :

  • To bring together Obstetrician and Gynaecologists interested in the art and science of Obstetric and Gynaecological Endoscopy.
  • To collect, pool and distribute to the members, all information on technical and bioengineering aspects of Endoscopy used in Obstetrics and Gynecology.
  • To collect, pool and distribute to the members, all information regarding availability, Government Rules and Regulations, maintenances and such other aspects of Endoscopies used in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
  • To popularise the practice of Obstetric and Gynaecological Endoscopy.
  • To promote, sponsor and organise practical training programs in Obstetric and Gynaecological Endoscopy.
  • To advise the State and Central Government and other Organisations on technical and clinical aspects of Obstetric and Gynaeological Endoscopy and their special usefulness in the field of Family Panning.
  • To promote, at all levels of society, education in all aspects of Obstetric and Gynaecological Endoscopy.
  • To promote, sponsor and organise meetings, seminars, symposium, panel discussions, conference, lectures, orations etc. with the purpose of advancing and exchanging knowledge on all aspects of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Endoscopy.
  • To create public awareness and option in matters relating to Obstetric and Gynaeological Endoscopy.
  • To organise and perform free Obstetric and Gynaecological endoscopic Services, including Endoscopic Female Sterilisation, as a part of Maternal, Child Health and Family Welfare services to be rendered to the people at large, irrespective of religion, caste, colour or creed.
  • To promote, sponsor, assist or carry out research in all aspects of Obstetric and Gynaecological endosopy and / or related matter through the Association and / or jointly with any other Institution or Organisation .
  • To assist, subscribe or affiliate with any other body, Indian or International, having objects altogether or similar to those of the Association.
  • To create Orations and Awards, and extend and exchange scholarships amongst scientists, interested in any aspect of Obstetric and Gynaecological Endoscopy.
  • To promote, sponsor and publish bulletins, newsletters, journals and books to serve as a medium of communication and advancement of knowledge amongst the members of the association and other agencies interested in Obstetric and Gynaecological endoscopy.
  • To do or get done anything necessary or desirable for the promotion or fulfillments of the above objects.
  • To raise funds for achieving the aims and objectives of the Association.
  • To form regional chapters to carry out the various activities of the Association.

Rules and Regulations

Classes and eligibility for membership
  • Patron members: Any individual interested in the aims and objectives of the Association can apply to be a Patron member by paying Rs. 5,0000 /- or more. Any organisation or institution interested in the aims and objectives of the association can apply to be a patron organisation by paying ? 500000 or more.
  • Honorary Members: Any eminent individual who has made outstanding contribution to the science of Obstetrics or Gynaecological Endoscopy or towards the aims and objects of the Association may be approved as an Honorary Member.
  • Founder Members: All persons present at the meeting convened to form the "Indian Association of Gynaecological Endoscopists� on Saturday, the 10 th June 1978, at 6/A BRIGHTON, Nepean Sea Road, Mumbai shall become founder Members by paying Rs. 750/- or more.
  • Life Members: Any person holding a postgraduate qualification in Obstetrics, Gynaecology and / or Family Planning or practicing or interested in Obstetrics or Gynaecological Endoscopy shall be eligible for life Membership by paying ? 7500/-
  • Associate Members: Any registered medical practitioner holding M.B.B.S. degree awarded by a recognised University and interested in or practicing Obstetric or Gynaecological Endoscopy shall be eligible for Associate Membership provided he does not hold a postgraduate qualification in Obstetrics & Gynaecology and/ or Family Planning .

Approval of Members

  • Patron Members, Life Members and Associate Members shall be approved to the respective membership by the Managing Committee on being duly proposed and seconded by members of the Association. The Managing Committee may reject such proposals without assigning any reason.
  • Honorary Members shall be approved by a three-fourth majority of the members present at a General Body meeting on recommendations of the Managing Committee.

Privileges of Members

Patron Members, Founder Members, Life Members shall have the privileges to take part in scientific and clinical meetings, social functions and in all activities of the Association, to receive publication, if any, free-of -charge or at a rate fixed by the Managing Committee and shall have a right to vote at meetings and to hold office on the Managing Committee. Patron Members, not eligible to be Life Members, Honorary Members and Associate Members shall have all the privileges mentioned in the foregoing clause, except a right to vote and to hold office in the Managing Committee.


A member may any time resign his membership by giving 30 days notice in writing and on paying all his dues to the Association. He is not entitled to any refund or compensation from the Association. He is eligible for re-admission in future on payment of a fresh Entrance fee and arrears if any.


  • If a member fails to pay his annual fees by 31 st March of the year or refuse to pay any other money due to the Association, the Managing Committee may remove him from membership after giving him a written notice of one month. He is eligible for re-admission on payment of arrears due from him and a fresh Entrance fee
  • Any Member of the Association whose continuance of membership is considered prejudicial to the interests of the Association may be removed from the Association by a three-fourth majority of the members present at a Special General Body Meeting called for the purpose, on recommendation of the Managing Committee. Such a removed member is not eligible for refund or compensation by the Association.


  • Entrance Fee : Entrance fee of Rs. (100/-) shall have to be paid on application for Associate and Life Membership. An Ordinary Member applying for Life Membership shall not be required to pay fresh Entrance Fee. Patron Members and Honorary Members shall not pay any Entrance Fee.
  • Subscription Fee :Associate Members shall pay before 31 st March, three years annual fees at a time at the rate of Rs. 100/- per year at the prevailing rate as maybe fixed from time to time.

General Body

  • Composition : The General Body of the Association shall consist of all classes of Members of the Association.
  • Ordinary General Meeting :The General Body shall ordinarily meet at least once every financial year . A notice of six-weeks shall be necessary for calling a General Body Meeting. This meeting shall be convened by the Honorary General Secretary.
  • Extra-Ordinary Meeting :An Extra-Ordinary Meeting of the General Body may be convened under unusual circumstances after 7 day's notice. This meeting shall be convened by the Honorary General Secretary in consultation with the Managing Committee. No matter other than on the agenda shall be discussed at this meeting.
  • Special Meeting:A special Meeting of the General Body shall be convened within three weeks after receipt of a written requisition specifying its purpose and signed by at least 30 of the members or 1/3 of the total membership whichever is less, of the Association. Special General Body Meeting can also be convened by the Honorary General Secretary in consultation with the Managing Committee for carrying out special business. No matter other than on the agenda shall be discussed at this meeting.
  • Quorum :Thirty Members shall constitute the quorum for any meeting of the General Body. In the absence of the quorum, the meeting shall stand adjourned for half an hour. The adjourned meeting shall require no quorum.
  • Resolutions : Resolutions to be moved by the members at Ordinary General Body Meetings must reach the Honorary General Secretary duly proposed and seconded, at least four weeks before the meeting for the approval of the Managing committee. If disapproved by the Managing Committee they should be returned to the proposer so as to reach him at least two weeks before the meeting. The proposer may still bring it before the General Body by sending it again to the Honorary General Secretary, supported by 15 other members, so as to reach him at least 5 days before the meeting.
  • Business of the Ordinary General Meeting :The following shall be including in the business transacted at the Ordinary General Meeting unless other wise determined at the meeting.

  • To confirm the minutes of the last General Meeting.
  • To adopt the Balance Sheet and Statement of Accounts audited by the certified auditors and passed by the Managing Committee.
  • To adopt the Annual Report approved by the Managing Committee.
  • To appoint scrutinisers.
  • To elect office bearers and members of the Managing Committee when necessary at the end of their term.
  • To appoint certified auditors and fix their remuneration.
  • To appoint Honorary Legal Advisor, if necessary.
  • Any other matter with the permission of the Chair.
  • Managing Committee: The Management of the Association shall be vested in the Managing Committee.
  • Composition: The Managing committee at the Association shall consist of
  • President
  • Vice-President
  • Honorary General Secretary
  • Honorary Treasurer
  • Sixteen Members
  • Not more than three co-opted member, if and when co-opted by the Managing Committee
  • Two Immediate Past Presidents.
  • Eligibility : Patron member eligible to be life Member, Life Member shall be eligible for election to the Managing Committee. At the end of their term the Vice-President shall become the President in the next Managing Committee whereas the Honorary Treasurer shall become the Honorary Joint Secretary, and the Honorary Joint Secretary shall become the Honorary General Secretary and the Honorary General Secretary will become the Vice President in the next Managing Committee. No member of less than three years standing shall be eligible for election to the Managing committee. Only those who have been on the Managing Committee for at least one elected term shall be eligible to be elected as Honorary General Secretary, Honorary Joint Secretary and Honorary Treasurer. Only those who have served on the Managing committee for at least two elected terms shall be eligible to be President or Vice-President. Members are not eligible to serve the Managing committee as members for more than two consecutive elected terms. President, Vice-President, Honorary General Secretary, Honorary Joint Secretary and Honorary Treasurer are not eligible for re-election to the same post after completing one elected term. Members who have not paid their dues to the Association, up-to-date, shall not be eligible for (1) Election to the Managing Committee, (ii) proposing or seconding any candidate for election to the Managing committee and (iii) For voting at election.
  • Election : Managing Committee shall invite nominations from the members for election to the next Managing Committee for the posts of Honorary Treasurer, 16 Members posts or post of Joint Secretary if vacant and other vacancies which shall be elected by Postal ballot, if necessary, at the General Body Meeting called for the purpose.
  • Co-option : Managing Committee may fill any interim vacancies by cooption.
  • Removal : Non-attendance of 3 consecutive meetings of the Managing Committee with or without prior permission shall make a Member liable to be removed from the Managing Committee without notice.
  • Meetings : The Managing Committee shall meet at least four times a year.
  • Quorum : Eight Members shall contribute the quorum for a meeting for the Managing Committee.
  • Duration : The Managing Committee shall hold office for a period of two years ( one year from 2017 ) or until such time that the next Managing Committee is duly elected.
  • Office Bearers : The President, Vice-President, Honorary General Secretary, Honorary Joint Secretary, and Honorary Treasurer shall be the office bearers of the Association. The Honorary General Secretary, Honorary Joint Secretary and Honorary Treasurer shall be from India.
  • Functions and Powers of the Managing Committee : The Managing Committee shall direct and regulate the general affairs of the Association and shall, subject to the control of the General Body, have powers to frame rules and bye-laws for the conduct of the business at meetings of the Association, for the maintenance and administration of the Association, and for direction of the publication, if any. The Committee shall, in addition to the powers by these rules expressly conferred upon them exercise all such powers and do all such note and things as may be done by the Association and which are not thereby expressly directed or required to be exercised or done by the Association in a General Meeting. Without prejudice to the general powers conferred by the preceding clause herein, the Managing Committee shall have the powers.
  • To elect all classes of members except Honorary Members
  • To appoint committees and Sub-Committees.
  • To represent any matter in which they consider the interests of the Association, of the Obstetrician and Gynaecologists or the Medical Profession are affected, before the Government and public bodies or any properly constituted authority.
  • The Managing Committee shall consider the reports of the various Committees and Sub-Committees and submit the same to the General Body with their recommendations.
  • The Managing Committee shall prepare the Annual report and Balance Sheet and Statement of accounts to be presented to the general Body at the Ordinary General Body Meeting.
  • To manage the funds of the Association in accordance with the general policy laid down by the General Body.
  • To permit Members to publish the scientific journals, papers or communications presented before the association.
  • Managing Committee shall function as Organising committee of any Conference/ congress organised by the Association with its various members having their appropriate designations. Managing Committee may delegate powers to local Organising Committee situated outside Mumbai.

Duties of the Office bearers

  • The President shall preside at all General Body Meetings and meetings of the Managing Committee. He shall regulate the proceedings of the meetings, interpret the application of laws, decide doubtful points, put resolutions and motions to vote and shall beside his ordinary vote, have a casting vote in case of a tie. The President shall be the Association's nominee on the Managing committee/Board of Management of the International Federation of Gynaecological Endoscopists.
  • The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President when he is absent or unable to perform his duties.
  • The Honorary General secretary shall be in-charge of the office of the Association. He shall conduct all correspondence, conferences, lectures, remittrations and shall attend the meeting, organise, arrange and convene meetings of the Association and the Managing Committee and keep proceedings thereof and shall be ex-officio member of all Committees. He shall perform any other duties as directed by the Managing Committee or the President.
  • The Honorary Joint Secretary shall perform the duties of the Honorary General Secretary when he is absent or unable to perform his duties.
  • The Honorary Treasurer shall receive and make payments of all money and deposit them in the Bank, maintain Bank account of receipts and disbursements of funds, prepare the Balance Sheet and Statement of Accounts.
  • The President and Honorary General Secretary shall represent the Association at all local, National and International Conferences in addition to any other representatives that may be


  • Reserve Fund: Fees paid by Patron Member, Founder Member, Life Member and Entrance Fees shall be set apart to constitute a Revenue Fund. The money shall be withdrawn from this Fund without prior sanction of the General Body. The Managing Committee may transfer to the Reserve Fund and surplus money lying in the Ordinary Fund.
  • Ordinary Fund : Annual Fees, Income accruing from the Reserve Fund and receipts from other activities of the Association shall constitute its Ordinary Fund from which expenses of the Association shall be managed.
  • Reserve Fund: Fees paid by Patron Member, Founder Member, Life Member and Entrance Fees shall be set apart to constitute a Revenue Fund. The money shall be withdrawn from this Fund without prior sanction of the General Body. The Managing Committee may transfer to the Reserve Fund and surplus money lying in the Ordinary Fund.
  • The surplus accruing from the nominees, conferences and /or campaigns promoted for raising funds to carry out the objectives of the Association may be transferred by the Managing Committee for the exclusive purpose of utilising the same for any of the aims and objectives described in the Memorandum of the association.
  • Proportions, Rights and Privileges: The Managing Committee is authorised to acquire, hold, manage, let lease, sell or mortgage movable or immovable properties of every description and any rights and privileges found necessary or desirable for the purpose of the Association.
  • Raising of Funds : The Managing committee is authorised to raise money in such manners as the Association may think fit.
  • Accounts : Managing Committee shall maintain accounts with any scheduled Bank or Banks in the name o the Association operable by any two among the President, Honorary General Secretary and Honorary Treasurer. The accounting year shall be 1 st April to 31 st March.
  • Auditing: The Accounts of the Association shall be audited annually by certified Chartered Accountants.
  • Winding up of the Association :: In the event of dissolution of the Association for any reason whatever the surplus, if any, of the Association and the accumulated balance of the Surplus, if any, will be handed over by a majority of the General Body called for the purpose. to any public charitable institution having similar objects and the members of the Association shall not be entitled to receive anything from the said amount.

Changes in the Constitution

Additions to, deletions from, and alterations in the Constitution of the Association shall be made only after a Special General Body Meeting, as per Clause-7-(d) called for the purpose, sanctions the proposed changes by a three-fourth majority of the members present.

The word 'be' wherever it stands in this Constitution shall represent both male and female members of the Association.
Dr. Rishma Dhillon Pai
President IAGE
Dr. S Krishna Kumar
Hon. Secretary General IAGE